Colour Study Lollapolooza Weekend ACCESS ONLY
Want to join in on the fun during the Color Study Album and Layout workshops with your own products? This will provide you with access to the LIVE classes (May 1st and May 2nd). These classes will also be recorded and will all be available for you to view at your convenience.
You will be given access to a Private Facebook Group where the Video Links and Instruction PDF's will be available by Friday April 30th at the latest. All of the class supplies and full details will also be available in the group. Have your order number available. PLEASE ADD YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS WITH YOUR ORDER.
Vicki will walk you through all paper cutting, organization and assembly. A flip though and full description of each project will also be available.
Day One ALBUM-Saturday, May 1st @10am ET- We will create a GORGEOUS interactive SN@P! album full of pockets, flips, flaps and more, all featuring a Colour Study products! Virtual attendees will receive a downloadable full colour PDF and a live virtual class! (5-6 hr class)
Day Two LAYOUTS- Sunday, May 2nd @11am ET- It's LAYOUT time! We will create TWO Double Page layouts and TWO Single page layouts featuring a little mixed media magic! Virtual attendees will receive a downloadable, full colour PDF and a live virtual class! (4 hr class)
Prices in Canadian Dollars.